Hypothermia, if rectal temperature:
- 0 to 7 days: < 35 °C
- 7 – 21 days: < 36°C
- 21 – 30 days: < 37 °C
Associated clinical signs:
- Moderate hypothermia < 35°C
- Increased activity,
- vocalizations,
- increase in respiratory rate
- decrease in heart rate (200-50bpm at 31°C)
- Severe hypothermia < 31°C
- fadding puppy/kitten,
- reduce muscle tone and suction reflex
- Very severe hypothermia < 25°C
- Puppy/non-moving kitten
- lateral decubitus
- imperceptible breathing of mucosal “bronzes
- rejected by the mother
Treatments :
- Slowly warm the newborn baby
- Not more than one degree per hour
- IR lamp, hot water bottle, Paediatric incubator, heating mat, infusion solution, hot and humid cloth
- IF warming > 2°C /h : organic lesions (kidneys and lungs) leading to death delayed by several days
Treat associated hypoglycemia - IF T < 25°C (coma)
- heated infusions (intravenous, intraosseous, intraperitoneal) increasing by 1°C per hour (very complicated in practice).